I'm a Mac and you are a PC

Parlando con una persona che si era imputata a comprare un iMac da 20′ la sentii dire: “Aoooo nun c’è paragone Pc con Mac, ho appena impaginato con Quark Xpress un articolo ed è venuto nettamente migliore…”

A quel che mi resi conto di come questa persona volesse forzatamente giustificare una spesa di oltre 1000 euro per un computer.

E io risposi con molta calma: “forse è merito dello schermo 20” che hai in confronto al 15” che usavi sul portaile, considerando che usi la stessa versione di Quark…”

A tale risposta rispose con ulteriori motivazioni, come: “va molto più veloce” e io: “stai usando un processore intel core duo sul mac mentre prima avevi un Intel Centrino single core, inoltre su un sistema operativo di qualche anno tenuto come un cassonetto della spazztura, con i peggiori programmi caricati in memoria”, oppure “i colori sono più vivi” e io “stai usando uno schermo LCD glossy mentre prima era un LCD opaco”…etc etc

Tralascio ogni commento sulla tastiera micro e sul mouse altrettando micro forniti con l’iMac, era meglio non fornirli oppure dare la scelta per un formato più adatto alle mani di diverse persone; l’ergonomicità, soprattutto per il mouse, è assente.

In un’altra occasione, circa un anno, fa un padre mi disse “sa, mio figlio è un esperto, usa il Mac, il computer professionale”, dentro di me sorrisi molto per tale frase, e mi limitai ad una risposta politicamente corretta “ah sì, che bravo…”.

C’è questo mito che ancora aleggia nell’aria, retaggio dei tempi quando il mac aveva hardware nettamente diverso dal PC e alcuni programmi giravano solo su Mac, sulla maggiore professionalità, qualità del prodotto realizzato, di un utente Mac rispetto ad uno PC; tutto ciò dimostra come ci sia una grande ignoranza di fondo in tema di coscienza informatica nella maggior parte degli utenti.

Virus virus, questo spauracchio che ogni utente Mac fa notare nel mondo pc! Personalmente non ho preso un virus dal 1996, ho sempre tenuto in memoria un antivirus messo in modalità automatica e sileziosa, kaspersky, Avira o Avast, e non ho avuto problemi; ovviamente ci vuole accortezza navigando o aprendo allegati, ma per il resto non ho mai trovato invasivo utilizzare tale software.

Il fatto che un applicativo resti in memoria su Mac se chiudo tutte le sottofinestre è una di quelle scelte tecniche che più mi infastidisce, ovviamente chiudo tutto, ma sapere che se non richiedo esplicitamente la chiusura dell’applicativo utilizzando il menu non ottengo la sua completa rimozione dai processi …

Poi se si deve parlare di stabilità dei diversi sistemi operativi se ne può parlare; resta il fatto che da quando uso mac ho dovuto riavviare più volte tale macchina rispetto al pc per blocchi vari, rallentamenti e impossiblità di killare alcuni applicativi (anche provando utilizzando i comandi linux)…sarà sfortuna, eccesso di utilizzo…chiamatelo come vi pare, ma il fatto resta.

Personalmente ho trovato più traumatico il passaggio da PC a Mac, forse perchè è impostato in modo da essere il più facile possibile, riducendo al minimo la personalizzazione da parte dell’utente, lo percepisco più a scatola nera di windows; in alcuni casi si è costretti ad usare comandi da terminale, che personalmente mi fanno tornare indietro ai tempi delle prime installazioni di Linux, si parla del lontano 1998.

Mi piacerebbe cambiare lo sfondo in nero, ma il Mac, di default, non lo permette, fornisce solo alcuni colori, il più scuro è il grigio…

Mi piacerebbe che Safari non si crashasse decine di volte, anche nell’ultima versione…

Mi piacerebbe utilizzare delle skin per l’interfaccia grafica, ma il Mac, di default, non lo permette…

Mi piacerebbe cambiare la dimensione del bordo basso, quello utilizzato per il ridimensionamento, ma il mac, di default, non lo permette…

Mi piacerebbe impostare l’invio con ricevuta di ritorno utilizzando Mail senza dover inserire un comando lato terminale per impostarlo, senza possibilità di decidere selettivamente se, e quando, mandarla…

Meglio Linux puro, se proprio dovessi scegliere tra i due, almeno posso customizzare il sistema a mio piacimento.

Dopo un silenzio di svariati anni, è riuscito fuori il concorso: un logo per Roma…

Sarebbe gradito sapere che fine hanno fatto le proposte di centinaia di persone che avevano presentato la scorsa volta (2004) i propri lavori.

Aggiornamento: dopo alcune chiamate effettuate al Comune di Roma finalmente è uscito fuori che NESSUN LOGO E’ STATO VALUTATO SUFFICIENTEMENTE VALIDO, pare sia uscita anche una delibera; per conoscere il numero di tale delibera potete chiamare con il 06-671009091 oppure il 06-671004118.

* !!! Infinite tabs: randomly it starts to open infinite tabs forcing to close using task manager
* !!! Not memory available when saving a file: happens sometimes when the file reached the 99% (i have 4GB and the memory isn’t full).
* !!! Save dialog without interface: sometimes when choosing where to save a file the dialog doesn’t show any icon, the use is only enabled to navigate in the main window.
* !!! Skins goes away: sometimes the entire skin of IE is missing, and the window starts to flicker.
* !!! A strange behaviour in Windows Sites: the scroll bar is’nt able to scroll down and the same happens for the keyboard kes [Firefox works…]

Io Programmo
In questo numero il secondo articolo sulla programmazione iPhone e due pagine dedicate alle novità introdotte con il nuovo firmware 3.0; c’è una precisazione riguardo il componente per inviare le email, il quale è stato spostato da Apple , dopo la redazione di questo articolo, da semplice figlio di UIViewController (come descritto nell’articolo) a figlio di UINavigationController, comunque resta sempre in tale catena di ereditarietà.

Belkin ADSL Modem Router N+

The quite perfect modem/router? Hard to say.

Problem: Connected, turned on…no network connection.
Solution: after some tries (hours of tries), using the same settings of the old modem i managed to let i connect.

Problem: Turned on wifi, surfed without problems using my ipod touch, turned of the wifi…a wifi led (that with the laptop and the wifi icon) remains on , i tried to turn it off from the user interface without success…

Temporary Solution: reboot; updated: the problem happens when i turn off the wifi connection without disconnecting the client.

Problem: no client dhcp shown; solution: wait wait wait…some client appears, but not all.

Problem: firmware update not available
Solution: go to www.belkin.co.uk and search to download the 1.00.23 (the modem searches into belkin.com which has an older version)

UPDATE: http://en-uk-support.belkin.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/2785/p/4703 FIRMWARE 1.0.25 pre release version available. It fixes:

  • an updated ADSL driver that improves ADSL sync speed on certain lines
  • a problem with having more than 4 MAC addresses in the MAC address filter is solved
  • a problem with very long pre-shared keys for WPA security is solved
  • a problem with forwarding port 80 and using Remote Management at the same time has been solved


Problem: unable to mount external usb device on Mac OS Leopard/Snow Leopard using STORAGE MANAGER APPLICATION;
Solution: call center anwered: “”we know, and the eng. are working on it.
FIX I FOUND: connect using GO->CONNECT TO SERVER->smb://

Problem: disable firewall: no internet connection,

Solution: re-confirm the pppoe/other wan connection settings.

SERIOUS Problem (for who use FTPs): ftp clients when browsing folders with MANY FILES on some servers gives timeout.

UPDATE: i spent about over an hour with someone of Belkin trying to fix this problem, when testing i discovered that ftp works when using play Firefox calls (ftp:// in the address bar) but using Filezilla, Dreamweaver, and other applications fails.

Sniffing using Wireshark i detected that some packages when they request the current folder list use the same command (PWD) while another, CYBERDUCK for Mac, which works, uses another . The problem is due to which mode , binary or ACII, is used when requesting the folder list, so only in the Open Source software you will be able to change this behaviour and fix, in Dreamweaver this isn’t allowed.

Solution: use another FTP client, i tried disabling the firewall, tried putting the pc on the DMZ. The help-desk suggest changing MTU from 14XX to 1500 (it causes packets segmentation but they didn’t know when i told them).

UPDATE: sniffing again and again with wireshark I discovered that the problems are due to the PASV command, when connecting in pasv mode (this command is called by LIST, PWD and other commands) the router doesn’t manage properly (timeout) the second connection (the first one is on port 21  for default) when using LIST AND OTHER COMMANDS.

The connection works properly when the client sends a EPSV or a STAT (that doesn’t use PASV) .

UPDATE (16/09/2010)

I’ve spent quite a day (over 30 calls in a year) calling Belkin support, they let me talk with many of their support workers without any solution (i’ve talked with english support, italian support, endian/china support).

The 1.0.25 pre release firmware doesn’t fix the problem.

I’ve tried any solution (also the 1500 mtu change), also sniffing using wireshark to understand why there is this problem. Sometimes it works randomly, sometimes it works withe dreamweaver, sometimes with cyberduck, the mac client:  RANDOM.

They replaced the modem a time with the same firmware (i signaled that it was a firmware bug but they didn’t listen).

After quite a year of ping-pong they propose me to change again with a LOWER MODEL (a router-modem without USB storage) so i refused.

Yesterday they called to propose a change with the new SHARE router-modem version which has the same specs (USB port included, except it doesn’t have the external wifi antennas) the only request was that the 8635 has a lifetime warranty while the new SHARE has a 2year warranty.

The italian support and the english support told me three times in different moments that this issue is WELL KNOW but they don’t know how fix it.

I gave them some ftp i can’t connect to and they tried from out of Italy (where i live) and it worked so they replied that the modem works.

After a year i decided to stop telling that it’s a problem and do a SCREEN RECORDING of all the clients that don’t work, i’ve sent all the recordings using the ticket area of support, and when they have seen this they decided to replace finally with the SHARE.

I suggest all of you to contact the support, tell them that you have the ftp problem, that you know that is a KNOW ISSUE (tell them you googled about it) and request a replacement.

If you can better to change the modem in warranty with another model instead of fighting like me against their support “rubber-wall”.

Otherwise ask to belkin to replace with a equal modem, and after you will receive the new one (same 8635) test it, if it doesn’t work again, request a replacement with a new model (like the SHARE which has the same specs USB port INCLUDED).



Nice BSOD: but what’s the cause?

CPU problem? AMD customer care: never heard this error.

Memory problem? probably not, checked with many applications.

OS problem? Vista 64, maybe…

Do you know you can have two instances of skype opened with the same account in different computers?

I discoverd it using the ipod touch client and at the same time my laptop was running another instance…nice feature…or not?

Both the skype instances will show your chats: if someone is in front of the other pc he/she well be able to read your chats.

So? better to add a password on the pc (both, screensaver and login) to avoid risks.

Microsoft messenger behaviour: it closes the connection on the pc with the older session.

I needed a wifi usb dongle for my Leopard (updated to 10.5.7), so i went to a big shop and searched for something with the “Mac-OS Compatible”, i found the D-Link DWL-G122, about 20€, 802.11 b and g not draft n; installed the 10.5 declared drivers and rebooted…KERNEL Panic…tried many times, no luck; it works when you plug but if you disconnect and reconnect you get kernel panic; so checked the hardware inside (RALINK, RT257X family model), searched for the manufacturer, installed his drivers (http://www.ralinktech.com/ralink/Home/Support/Macintosh.html) …works like a charm, or almost…the only drawback is that if you disconnect and reconnect the pen doesn’t works, so using the provided USBWirelessUtility i found an escape : there is a button, Wireless ON/OFF, which powers on and off the dongle, so no need to disconnect 🙂

I contacted the Italian Dlink support: ME: hi i have a problem with your drivers, they cause Kernel Panic on Leopard. Dlink: download these drivers ME: those drivers are for non Intel Mac. DLink: from your informations you are using a firmware that we don’t own, where did you take it? ME: it’s the firmware i found installed in the dongle, i never touched the dongle firmware… They are answering a time a week, this is what a BRAND SHOULDN’T DO WITH HIS CUSTOMERS…

Essendo sviluppatore Iphone mi ero registrato per questo evento sperando che la fortuna mi baciasse visti i “posti limitati”…oggi ho ricevuto conferma : sono tra quei fortunati a poter partecipare a tale evento che si terrà a Roma. I posti sono ormai esauriti; spero di imparare molto da tale presentazione.

Happy coding…

I have a problem with a 2.5” Samsung HD, the hd led flashes with a cilce of 5 times and 10 times, no way to access it’s contents.

ME to customer care (email): hi i have a problem with an hd i get this flashes 5 times, 10 times;

Samsung (email): hi thanx for your question, please contact your seller or our replacement partner

ME (thinking): i need only to know what kind of problem is, if i can save the data or i can throw it away.

Samung replacemente partner (telephone call): we replace the hd, we don’t know anything about hd problems.

Me: this is how a BRAND SHOULDN’T WORK, noone knows how to aswer to this simple question……

D-Link DWL-G122

I needed a wifi usb dongle for my Leopard (updated to 10.5.7), so i went to a big shop and searched for something with the “Mac-OS Compatible”, i found the D-Link DWL-G122, about 20€, 802.11  b and g not draft n; installed the 10.5 declared drivers and rebooted…KERNEL Panic…tried many times, no luck; it works when you plug but if you disconnect and reconnect you get kernel panic; so checked the hardware inside (RALINK, RT257X family model), searched for the manufacturer, installed his drivers (http://www.ralinktech.com/ralink/Home/Support/Macintosh.html) …works like a charm, or almost…the only drawback is that if you disconnect and reconnect the pen doesn’t works, so using the provided USBWirelessUtility i found an escape : there is a button, Wireless ON/OFF, which powers on and off the dongle, so no need to disconnect 🙂

I contacted the Italian Dlink support:

ME: hi i have a problem with your drivers, they cause Kernel Panic on Leopard.
Dlink: download these drivers
ME: those drivers are for non Intel Mac.
DLink: from your informations you are using a firmware that we don’t own, where did you take it?
ME: it’s the firmware i found installed in the dongle, i never touched the dongle firmware…

They are answering a time a week, this is what a BRAND SHOULDN’T DO WITH HIS CUSTOMERS…